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Climate and Disaster Risk Management

Climate change is a real and visible threat to our entire civilization. If we don't take immediate action, the consequences, which are now apparent, will be disastrous. We can implement the required adjustments to safeguard the environment via education, innovation, and adherence to our climate obligations. Agriculture is the most vulnerable sector to climate chage. Climate change can affect crops, livestock, soil and water resources, rural communities, and agricultural workers. However, the agriculture sector also emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that contribute to climate change (EPA 2023). Almost half the world’s population, live in households linked to agrifood systems (FAO 2023). Environmental change s resulting from large-scale environmental hazards such, climate change and extreme weather events, changes in ecosystems due to loss of biodiversity, changes in hydrological systems and supplies of freshwater, urbanization, land-use change, stresses on food-producing systems, vulnerability and food insecurity. In the previous study, it was reported that a staggering over half of the surveyed households were found food insecure following the flash flood event in 2017, where ultra-poor, loss of livestock in flood, household head’s occupation being natural resource-based, and household reliance on market purchase of food were identified as significant risk factors of post-flood household food insecurity. Post-flood emergency programmes, especially the food assistance programmes should be designed prioritizing these most food insecure groups instead of considering household poverty as the only selection criteria (Parvez, Dey and Islam, 2021). The rapid onset of flash floods limits effective and timely decision making, and hence causes the highest number of casualties (on average) compared to the other types of flooding (Jonkman 2005). As a long-term plan, a multi-sectoral approach focusing on disaster risk reduction by taking into account the risk of disaster induced food insecurity is essential to reduce the vulnerability of wetland communities and ensuring food security immediately after any flood event (Parvez, Dey and Islam, 2021). In collaboration with community partners, government agencies, and academic institutions both domestically and around the world, researcher conduct interdisciplinary work to address a wide array of issues (e.g, water quality, land degradation, air quality, infectious diseases, human nutrition and occupational health) that accompany changes to the environment.