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Strengthening Livelihoods of Poor Farmers through Inclusive Value Chain Development (SLPFIVCD) Project (2022-’25)

The evaluation of SLPFIVCD  aims to:

i) Assess the extent to which the project’s objectives and activities align with the needs and priorities of the target communities; assess the relevancy of local needs, alignment with the government priorities, and coherence with project interventions; and analyze how well the project complements other local development initiatives and stakeholders' efforts. (Relevance and coherence)

ii) Evaluate the effectiveness of the project in achieving its intended outputs and short-term outcomes of the project, including the degree to which project activities have successfully increased productivity, market access, training outcome, gender inclusion, and income for the beneficiaries. (Effectiveness)

iii) Analyze the efficiency of resource utilization in implementing the project's activities, including time, budget, and human resources, and identify any factors that may have contributed to or hindered cost-effectiveness in achieving project outcomes. (Efficiency)

iv) Identify and assess the short-term changes or benefits observed among the target communities of the project, and how these changes contribute to the project's overall goal of enhancing livelihood and economic empowerment, gender and social inclusion, and environmental impact indicating progress towards the expected impact. (Impact)

v) Examine the sustainability strategies currently in place for the project (for institutional sustainability of producer’s groups, sustainability of practices, gender equality, and financial sustainability), evaluate their effectiveness in ensuring long-term benefits for stakeholders, and determine whether these strategies are appropriately designed or if they require adjustments to enhance sustainability and scalability. (Sustainability)